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时间:2013-05-08 来源:成人高考网 浏览次数:25  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

(一)关系代词who,whom,whose,which,that引导的定语从句  1、The company official _____ I thought would be fired re


  1、The company official _____ I thought would be fired received a raise.

  A. whom  B. whoever

  C. who  D. of whom


  2、The investigation , _____ will soon be published, was made by John.

  A. at which the results  B. the results on which

  C. whose results  D. at whose results

  (答案:C.关系代词whose 在定语从句中做定语。)(1998年58题)

   (二)关系副词 when ,where, why, 引导的定语从句

  1、The time will come _____ man can fly to outer space freely.

  A. that  B. when

  C. in that  D. which

  (答案:B.when在定语从句中做状语。) (1996年35题)

  2、I will never forget the ten years _____ we both spent in the little village.

  A. when  B. during which

  C. which  D. in which



  1、Before her marriage, she spent a considerable time in that very part of Shanghai, _____ she belonged.

  A. which  B. to where

  C. to which  D. at which

  (答案:C.关系代词which和whom 还可以做"动词词组"后面的前置宾语。这里的动词词组是belong to.)(1998年56题)

  2、The United States is composed of fifty states, two of _____ are separated from the others by land or water.

  A. them  B. that

  C. which  D. those



  这种从句有一定的独立性,即使去掉,主句的意思仍然完整,只是内容相对地不够具体。与主句之间常用逗号分开,所用的关系代词与限定性定语从句基本相同,但不能用关系代词that 引导。

  (1)An Old friend from abroad, _____I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport.

  A. that  B. whom

  C. who  D. which


  (2)His brother had become a teacher, _____he wanted to be.

  A. who  B. what

  C. which  D. that

  (答案:C.which引导的非限定性定语从句,在从句中做宾语,修饰先行词a teacher)(1997年39题)

  (3)He has made another wonderful discovery, _____of great importance to science.

  A. which I think it is B. of which I think it is

  C. I think which is  D. which I think is



  We've tested three hundred types of boot, _____is completely water proof.

  A. no of which  B. none of which

  C. some of which  D. neither of which




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