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时间:2013-04-17 来源:成人高考网 浏览次数:38  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

1.Most of the people in the group felt rather disappointed at their travelling abroad.They say that it _______better or

1.Most of the people in the group felt rather disappointed at their travelling abroad.They say that it _______better organized.
A)might have been
B)had been
C)had to be
D)must have been
2.My sister wasn't in Paris last month ,so you _____her there.
A)might not have seen
B)can't have seen
C)must not have seen
D)shouldn't have seen
3."Doesn't Elanine want to see that movie?"  "Yes,but she says_______go tonight."
A)she'd rather not
B)she had rather not
C)she won't rather
D)she'd not rather
4.Mary keeps talking about the party.She had a very good time,______she?
5.Let's go swimming,_______?
A)will we
B)do we
C)don't we
D)shall we
6.Your sister _______to visit you quite ofen,didn't she?
C)was used
D)was inclined
7.The man who was driving the druck would not admit that he had been at fault and______.
A)neither the other driver would 
B)neither would the other driver
C)the other driver would neither
D)neither had the other driver
8."Look what you've done!You ______more careful."
A)had to be
B)should be
C)should have been
D)must be
9.I want to go to the grocery,but you _______with me.
A)need not to go
B)don't need go
C)not need to go
D)need not go
10."The lecturer was a tall thin man with white hair."  "Then it _______Dr.Fell because he is short and fat.It _____Dr.Jones;he is thin."
A)can't be/must be
B)mightn't have been/could have been
C)must be/can't be
D)can't have been/must have been

答案1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. D

1.As I have nothing to do now,I _____as well go with you.
2.It's the first time that she has been to the United States,________?
A)hasn't she
B)isn't it
C)has she
D)is it
3.Since the bus is crowed,we______.
A)had better walk to home
B)have better walk home
C)had better walk home
D)had better to walk home
4.To succeed in a difficult task ,_______.
A)one needs to work hard
B)to work hard is needed
C)you need be a hard-working person
D)to work hard is what one needs
5._____to have lunch with us today?
A)Do you like
B)Would you like
C)Will you like中华考试
D)Shall you like
6.You _______him that the day before.
A)ought not to have told
B)must not have told
C)should not tell
D)ought not to tell
7.I________the operation unless it is absolutely nesessary.
A)would rather not to have
B)would rather not have 
C)would rather not had 
D)would rather that I not have
8."You missed a golden opportunity."  "Yes,I ______that job when it was offered."
A)must take
B)should have taken
C)might have taken
D)ought to take
9.The story was so funny that she couldn't help______.
B)but to laugh
C)to laugh
D)not laughing
10.When we reached the station,the train had still not arrived;so we ________.
A)needed not to funny
B)needn't have hurried
C)need not to have hurried
D)didn't need to hurry
Exercise 2 辨认错误

1.Had(A) Aristotle asked his wife to keep her mouth open while(B) he counted(C) her teeth,he could avoid(D) the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men.
2.John must be(A) a restless(B) person.He kept(C) moving(D) from country to country.
3."Whatever you decide(A),you'll let(B) me know by phone,won't you(C)?"   "Yes,Mr.Brown,I certainly must(D)."
4.We requested(A) that the superintendent of the building clean up(B) the storage roomin the basement(C) so that the children had(D) enough space for their bicycles.
5.You needn't(A) have interrupted(B) the class to tell me that;you could come(C) to meafterwards(D).

答案:1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B

Exercise 2
1. D (改为:have avoided)
2. B (改为:must have been)
3.D (改为:will)
4. C (改为:might have)
5. B (改为:have come)

Exercise 1 选择题
1.I _____like to know where you were born.
2.I ______it again.
A)would like you to read
B)like you to read 
C)would like that you read
D)do like you to read
3.My father _______such a thing.
A)cannot have said
B)might not have said
C)couldn't say
D)must not have said
4.He went on foot,but he _______by bus.
A)might as well go
B)should go
C)could have gone
D)must have gone
5.Come and lend me a hand ,_______?
A)do you
B)can you 
C)will you
D)shall you
6."Where are my keys?I ______them."
A)must lose
B)should have lost
C)can have lost
D)might have lost
7.Where______wait for you ?
A)do I 
B)will I 
C)shall I 
D)would you hope me to 
8.The swimmer was very tired but he______reach the shore before he collapsed.
C)was succeeded to 
D)was able to 
9._______to you like that?
A)How dared he spoke
B)How dares he speak
C)How dare he speak
D)How dares he to speak
10.Ann doesn't like milk.She says that she_____it at home.
A)was never used to drink 
B)was never used to drinking
C)never used to drink
D)never used to drinking
Exercise 2 辨认错误

1.I hope you can visit(A) my country soon(B) because I like(C) to show(D) you some of the beautiful scenery near my home.
2.When a friend gave(A) John a ticket to(B) the game,he couldn't(C) help but going(D).
3.After searching for evidence in the house ,the police concluded that(A) the thiefmust(B) have come in through the window and stole(C) the silver while the family was asleep(D).
4.The villagers must(A) fetch water(B) from a dirty pond before liberation for therewas(C) no clean water available(D).
5.He was(A) such a good swimmer that(B) he could(C) swim to a nearby island when the ship sank(D) in the sea.

答案:Exercise 1
  1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B

Exercise 2
1. D (改为:would like)
2. B (改为:go)
3.D (改为:stolen)
4. C (改为:had to)
5. B (改为:was able to)
 Exercise 1 选择题1.If you ______me, I shall be very grateful to you .
B)will help
C)are helping
D)will be helping
2.It _____rain tomorrow.
3."Did they blame him for his mistakes?" "Yes,but they _____so."
A)would rather not do
B)shouldn't do
C)shouldn't have done
D)had better not do
4."Did your brother break the window?" "He _____have done it.I am not sure."
D)would not
5.Since it is already midnight,we______.
A)had better left
B)ought to have left
C)should take leave中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
D)might as well leave
6.She doesn't answer the doorbell.She _____be asleep.
A)ought to 
D)must have been
7._____you be happy!
8.You_____afraid of any difficulties.
A)need not to be
B)need not
C)don't need
D)need not be
9.The house is dark;the Turners_____to bed.
A)may go
B)can have gone
C)must have gone
D)must go
10.______open the door for you?
A)Would I 
B)May I
C)Will I
D)Shall I
Exercise 2 辨认错误

1.They should(A) use(B) coal ,but they had to use(C) oil instead,because there remained little coal(D).
2.Harry met(A) Mr.Gree yesterday but he dare not(B) tell him that we had smashed(C) the motor-car we borrowed from him(D).
3.He confessed(A) that for months he was(B) scarely being able to(C) look at the lawyerwithout becoming angry(D).
4.Judging(A) by the noise that is coming from their room,I think that(B) they must(C)have(D) a party.
5.What a pity(A) we didn't know(B) about the show !We should(C) like(D) to see it.

答案:Exercise 1
  1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. D

Exercise 2
1. D (改为:have used)
2. B (改为:didn't dare)
3.D (删去:being)
4. C (改为:be having)
5. B (改为:have liked)

Exercise 1 选择题1.You _____pay the money ,but you _______do so at once.
2.Comrade Wang_______be in Beijing because I saw him in town only a few minutes ago.
C)may not
3.The car plunged into the river.The driver_______get out but the passengers were drowned.
A)was able to
B)succeeded to 
D)has managed to 
4.I _______the story at all.
A)don't like
C)would like
D)would not like
5._______I repeat the question?
C)Would you like that
D)Do you want that
6."Do I have to get back this evening?"   "No,you_______."
B)may not
D)had better not
7.He ______to meet us at the station,but didn't see us.
A)did go
B)did went
D)had gone
8."What are they doing there?"   "They_______a meeting."
A)may have
B)must have
C)coule be having
D)might be having
9.Susan and I can go to the lecture_______.
A)but neither can Charles
B)and so Charles can
C)but Charles can't
D)and Charles can also
10."That must be a mistake."  "No,it _______a mistake."
A)must not be
B)may not be
C)could not be
D)would not be

Exercise 2 辨认错误

1.Tom,you shouldn't(A) have run across(B) the street without looking around,youmight(C) be knocked(D) down by a car.
2.You went to(A) the wrong shop.You ought to go(B) to the shop next to the cinema,but you went to(C) the shop by(D) the post office.
3.If you had(A) others(B) do(D) you homework ,you might as well having(D) them eat your lunch.
4.He asked(A) me a(B) second question before I couldn't(C) answer the(D) first one.
5.We had(A) better to review this chapter(B) carefully because we will(C) have(D) some questions on it in our test tomorrow.

Exercise 1
  1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. C

Exercise 2
1. D (改为:have been knocked )
2. B (改为:have gone)
3.D (改为:have)
4. C (改为:could)
5. B (改为:review this chapter)



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