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2012年成人英语三级考试语法:虚拟语气知识 及练习题

时间:2012-08-02 来源:成人高考网 浏览次数:128  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

  虚拟语气  虚拟语气是英语三级考试的必考知识点之一,也是体现英汉语言习惯区别的一个语法现象。在汉语里表示假设虚拟的情








  与现在事实相反If+动词的过去式 (be用were而不用was)would(第一人称可用should)+动词原形


  与将来事实相反If+were to+动词原形或 If+should+动词原形would(第一人称可用should)+动词原形


  例1 Mary said to me,“Had I seen your bag,I ____ _ it to you.”

  A.will return B.must return C.could return D.would have returned


  例2 I would ask George to lend us the money if I ____ _ him.

  A.would come B.would have come C.had come D.came


  例3 If Bob ____ _ with us,he would have had a good time.

  A.would come B.would have come C.had come D.came




  例1 ____ the advice of his friends,he would not have suffered such a heavy loss in his business.

  A.If he took B.If he should take C.Were he to take D.Had he taken


  例2 ___ ,I should ask them some questions.

  A.Should they come to us B.If they come to us C.Were they come to us D.Had they come to us


  例3 ____ ,you were busy,I would′t have bothered you with my questions.

  A.If I realized B.Had I realized C.Did I have realized that D.As I realized



  有时一个假设的情况不用条件从句表示,而用其他方式来表示,这样的句子叫含蓄条件句。常用with,without,but for引导。

  例1 Without heat and sunlight,plants on the earth _____ well.

  A.would not grow B.will not grow C.had not grown D.would not be grown


  例2 But for my classmates′help,I ____ the work in time.

  A.did not finish B.could not finish C.will not finish D.would not have finished


  例3 But for the rain,we _____ a nice holiday.

  A.should have B.would have had C.would have D.will have had





  例1 I didn′t go to the party,but I do wish I _____ there.

  A.were B.would be C.had been D.will be


  例2 Peter wishes that he ____ law instead of literature when he was in college.

  A.could study B.studied C.had studied D.would study


  (2)if only+句子(过去时/过去完成时)“要是……就好了”。

  If only后面的句子如果是对现在或将来情况的虚拟,用过去时did;如果是对过去情况的虚拟,用过去完成时had done。要注意与if区别,if只表示假设,意为“如果”,用真实语气。而if only表示不可能实现的情况,用虚拟语气。

  例: If only the alarm clock had rung.当时闹钟响就好了。(对过去虚拟)

  If only I were rich.要是我富有就好了。(对现在虚拟)

  (3)would rather+句子(过去时)。


  例1 I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you ____ next month for a dinner.

  A.come B.would come C.came D.have come


  例2 I′d ____ you didn′touch that,if you don′t mind. A.rather B.better C.happier D.further


  (4)it is time (that),it is high time(that)…句型中,谓语动词用过去时,表示早该做而未做的事,意思是“该……了、早该……了”。

  例1 Let′s finish our homework in a faw seconds;it′s time we ____ _ .

  A.played football B.will play football C.play football D.are playing football


  例2 Don′t you think it is time you _ _ smoking?

  A.give up B.gave up C.would give up D.should give up


  (5)以as if,as though引导的从句。

  在as if,as though引导的从句中,如果谈论的是不可能或不真实的情况时,他们所引导的状语从句要用虚拟语气,动词形式和wish后面的从句动词形式变化相同。

  例:He talks as he ___ everything in the world.

  A.konws B.knew C.had known D.would have known

  【答案】B 本句表示说话人对现在的情况有所怀疑,所以用过去的。

 4、should +动词原形及should的省略

  (1)一些表示建议、要求、命令等的动词本身隐含说话者主观的意见。因此这些动词(或其派生词,如名词、形容词、分词等)后面的从句应使用虚拟语气,即“should do”结构,其中的“should”常被省略。如:




  例1 I don′t think it advisable that Tom _____ to she job since he has no experience.

  A.be assigned B.is assigned C.will be assigned D.has been assigned


  例2 His mother insisted that he _____ the coat when going out.

  A.put on B.puts on C.to put D.putting on

  【答案】A(1999年58题) 此处省略了should。

  例3 The doctor advised that Mr.Malan ____ an operation right away so as to save his life.

  A.had B.would have C.have D.was going to have

  【答案】C(1998年28题) 此处省略了should。

  (2)It is necessary/important/essential/vital/urgent/surprising/amazing that…引导的主语从句中,从句的谓语动词要用should + 原形动词,should也可以省略。此类形容词的特点是表示重要性或吃惊。

  例1 It is vital that enough money _____ collected to get the project started.

  A.is B.be C.must be D.can be


  例2 It′s urgent that a meeting _____ befor the final decision is made.

  A.will be arranged B.must be arranged C.be arranged D.would be arranged


  (3)以in case,lest,for fear that 引导的状语从句,表示“以防、以免”其形式为should+动词原形。

  He took his raincoat with him in case it should rain. 他把雨衣带在身上以防下雨。

 1.You didn′t let me drive. If we ____ in turn,you ____ so tired.


  A.drove ;did′t B.drove wouldn′t get C.were driving;wouldn′t get D.had driven;wouldn′t have got

  2. ____ ,we could not have finished the work on time.

  A.If they do not help us B.Was it not for their help C.Should they other to help us D.But for their help

  3. ____ today,he would get there by Friday.

  A.Was he leaving B.If he in leaving C.Were he to leave D.If he leaves

  4.If only I ____ how to operate a computer as you do!

  A.had known B.would know C.should know D.knew

  5. When a pencil is parly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____ .

  A.breaks B.has broken C.were broken D.had been broken

  6. The chairman requested that ____ .

  A.the members studied the problem more B.the problems were more carefully studied

  C.the problems could be studied with more care D.the members study the problem more carefully

  7. If I ____ you,I ____ more attention to English idioms and phrases.

  A.was;shall pay B.am;will play C.would be;would pay D.were;would pay

  8. We cannot imagine what our world ____ like without electric power.

  A.is B.will be C.would be D.were

  9.There was a half smile on his face which suggested that be ____ happy to have given his life for his country.

  A.was B.should be C.would be D.were

  10. We all agreed to her suggestion that we ____ to the Great Wall for sightseeing.

  A.will go B.go C.shall go D.should have gone

  11. The young man insisted that he ____ nothing wrong and ____ free.

  A.did;set B.had done;should be set C.do;be set D.had done;must be set

  12. I lost your address,otherwise I ____ you long before.

  A.had visited B.have visited C.would have sisited 1D.should visit

  13. ____ the rain we would have had a nice holiday.

  A.But that B.But for C.Despite D.In spite of

  14. ____ no gravity ,there would be no air around the earth.

  A.Were there B.There were C.Was there D.There be

  15. It′s getting rather late.It′time we ____ .

  A.are going B.went C.go D.must go

  16. They keep telling us that it is vital that we ____ there on time.

  A.are B.be C.must be D.would be



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