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时间:2012-04-12 来源:成人高考网 浏览次数:154  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

  1. break away from 脱离;摆脱  2. break up分裂 结束;解散  3. break into闯入, 打断  4. at breakfast 早饭时  5

            1. break away from 脱离;摆脱

  2. break up分裂 结束;解散

  3. break into闯入, 打断

  4. at breakfast 早饭时

  5. have breakfast 吃早饭

  6. hold one’s breath 屏住气

  7. out of breath 上气不接下气

  8. take breath歇息

  9. take one’s breath away目瞪口呆;大为惊讶

  10. waste one’s breath白费口舌

  11. burst out迸发;突然…起来

  12. burst into tears突然大哭

  13. go to 地点 on business 出差

  14. be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

  15. be busy with sth.忙于做某事

  16. but for要不是

  17. by bus/car/plane/train/ship/ air 乘 ……

  18. by and by 不久以后;

  19. call for 请求

  10. call in召集, 召来, 来访

  11. call on sb.拜访

  12. call up召集;动员

  13. calm down 镇定下来

  14. care for 喜欢

  15. take care of 照料

  16. care about 担心, 关心

  17. carry on 继续,展开

  18. carry out 实现,执行

  19. in case +(句子)以防;可能;倘若

  20. in case of如果;万一

  21. catch up with 赶上

  22. catch a cold 感冒

  23. catch fire着火

  24. catch one’s eye引起某人注意

  25. cause sb. to do sth. 使得某人做某事

  26. center on sth. 集中精力做某事

  27. be certain of sth. 确信……

  28. by chance. 偶然

  29. take a chance to do sth.冒险做某事

  30. change into变为;使改变

  31. in charge of 负责

  32. check in/ out(旅馆、飞机等)登记;

  33. make a choice 做选择

  34. no choice but 别无选择只能。

  35. go to the cinema 去看电影

  36. have classes 上课

  37. after class 课后

  38. clear out 彻底清理

  39. clear up整理;完成;收拾

  40. climb up/down 爬上/下

  41. be close to 靠近

  42. have a cold 感冒

  43. go to college 上大学

  44. come back 回来

  45. come down 下来

  46. come from 来自

  47. come in 进来

  48. come on 快, 来吧。

  49. come out 出来,显露

  50. come true 实现

  51. come into being 形成, 产生

  52. have sth in common 共识

  53. compare A to B把A比喻B

  54. compare with与…比较

  55. connect with 将……连起来

  56. be considered as…被看作

  57. be content with 满意

  58. continue to do 继续

  59. in control 控制

  60. cool down 平静下来

  61. in the corner在拐角处 (屋里)

  62. at the corner在拐角处 (街上)

  63. 物 cost 人 钱某人花钱买某物

  64. have a bad cough 咳得厉害

  65. count on依靠 指望;期待

  66. a couple of 一对, 几个;三两个

  67. of course 当然

  68. in course of 在过程中

  69. be covered with 被…覆盖

  70. be crazy about着迷的,狂热的

  71. cry out for急需;迫切需要



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