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时间:2012-02-29 来源:成人高考 浏览次数:238  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

1. I told the policeman that I_______the bike unlocked.  A. had let B. had left C. was letting D. was leaving  2.

              1. I told the policeman that I_______the bike unlocked.

  A. had let      B. had left   C. was letting    D. was leaving

  2. There wasn't a single person _______at the beach.

  A.in sight     B. on sight    C. seeing         D. to see

  3. The silk _______ very smooth.

  A. is felt    B.is feeling    C. feels          D. is being felt

  4. Students majoring in English_______by that amusing teacher at that time.

  A. were teaching              B. were being taught

  C. have been taught           D. are being taught

  5. Michael used to look hurt and surprised when _______ .

  A. scolding     B. to scold   C. having scolded  D. scolded

  6. I had just started back for the house to change' my clothes_______I heard voices.

  A.as           B.when        C.after            D.whole

  7. Both Tom and Mary_______the exam.

  A. has passed B. have pase   C. have passed      D. had passed

  8. She said she would stay there for_______more week.

  A.a           B.one          C.another           D.other

  9. He had his bicycle _______yesterday.

  A. repair     B. repairing   C. repaired         D. be repaired

  10. Could I have some milk, some orange juice, and some eggs_______?

  A.instead of  B.in addition  C. as well          D. so much



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