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时间:2011-04-11 浏览次数:262  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分)  在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他大词的划线部分的读音不同。找



  ( )1. A. metallic B. narrow C. examine D. answer

  ( )2. A. announcement B. absence C. accident D. carriage

  ( )3. A. servant B. prefer C. surface D. suffer

  ( )4. A. simply B. fairly C. reply D. peacefully

  ( )5. A. musical B. drum C. museum D. huge



  ( )6. We are trying to return the money to lost it.

  A. the boy B. who C. the one that D. whom

  ( )7. His English is better than mine, for he knows English words and expressions than I do.

  A. very; much more B. far; many more

  C. quite; rather more D. much; much more

  ( )8. It is said that his bridge has for more than three centuries.

  A. appeared B. risen C. existed D. born

  ( )9. The classroom must have been cleaned yesterday,______?

  A. wasn‘t it B. haven’t C. hasn‘t it D. mustn’t it

  ( )10. Yon can see of cars in the square.

  A. a quantity B. a plenty C. an amount D. the number

  ( )11. the hall, he found all the people there.

  A. Entered; seat B. Entering; seated

  C. To enter; sitting D. Entering; seating

  ( )12. We all know the truth there are air, water and sunlight, there are living things.

  A. in wherever B. that wherever

  C. where D. that

  ( )13. I______have been there, but I______not find the time.

  A. should; would B. should; could

  C. might; could D. could; could

  ( )14. I hope to get my wife______on the next trip to Europe.

  A. to have come along with me B. to come along with me

  C. coming along with me D. with me to come along

  ( )15. Dried leaves continue to hang on the branches of some trees______the new leaves appear.

  A. until B. that C. by D. from

  ( )16. If it were not for the fact that you______ill, I would ask you to do this right now.

  A. were B. had been C. are D. be

  ( )17. I‘m anxious to get from you before I do the job.

  A. a few more advices B. a little more advice

  C. a few more advice D. a little more advices

  ( )18. It is essential that mankind ______ways and means to protect the environment.

  A. adopt B. have adopted

  C. will adopt D. will have adopted

  ( )19. The information any more. I‘ve got enough.

  A. need not collect B. doesn‘t need be collected

  C. need not to be collected D. doesn‘t need to be collected

  ( )20.What do you think made Mary so upset?

  ______her new bicycle.

  A. As she lost B. Lost

  C. Losing D. Because of losing

  ( )21. We ______all our achievements to the correct leadership of the Party.

  A. own B. owe C. devote D. appreciate

  ( )22. Beethoven______a very poor life, but______us a lot of excellent music.

  A. led; has left B. led; had left

  C. leads; has left D. was leading; had left

  ( )23. More information becomes______through the use of computers.

  A. external B. flexible C. adequate D. available

  ( )24. The child is looking forward to______a gift.

  A. be given B. giving C. being given D. give

  ( )25.______science help to raise the educational level of the whole nation.

  A. General B. Common C. Public D. Popular

  ( )26.What kept you from coming on time?


  A. I was aching all over and didn‘t feel like moving about

  B. It was terrible going from one side of the city to another

  C. There were cars and buses crowding the streets

  D. I couldn‘t get on the right bus

  ( )27.I want to take Flight 983 which leaves at 12:00.


  A. I‘ll check

  B. I hope that you have a pleasant flight

  C. You are in the economy class, I believe

  D. Then you have to be at the airport at 10:00 a.m.

  ( )28.I was wondering if you were coming.


  A. Of course not

  B. I‘m really sorry. It was the traffic, you know

  C. I left home very late and in a great hurry

  D. It was nothing to wonder at

  ( )29.I was wondering if you would like to visit the city museum with me on



  A. Like it very much. Thank you B. Yes, that sounds great, Thank you

  C. Right, Thank you D. No worry. Thank you

  ( )30.You‘re the conductor of the bus. When a passenger gets on the bus, whatdo you say?


  A. Thank you B. Ticket, please

  C. Sit down, please D. You‘ve taken the wrong bus



  Bill Fuller, the mailman, whistled cheerfully as he walked up the hill towards

  Mrs. Carter‘s house. His work for the day 31 , his bag, usually quite heavy when he

  started out on his rounds, was empty now 32 the letter that he had to deliver to Mrs. Carter. She lived 33 blocks away, so when Bill had mail for her, he always finished his day‘s work 34 later. He did not 35 this though, because she never failed to ask him in 36 coffee and a piece of her special cake.

  When Bill 37 Mrs. Carter‘s house, he was surprised not to find her working in the yard. She usually 38 her afternoon when the weather was good. Bill went around to the back of the house, thinking that she 39 in the kitchen. The door was locked and the curtains were drawn. Puzzled, he returned to the front of the house and knocked loudly on the front door. There 40 . Bill thought that this was very strange because he knew that Mrs. Carter 41 left the house.

  Just then he noticed that her bottle of milk. Which is always delivered early in the morning, was still on the porch. This 42 him. If Mrs. Carter had not 43 her milk, maybe she 44 . Bill walked around the house 45 he found an open window. It was a small window, but he 46 to get through . He went into the hall. There he was almost stumbled over Mrs. Carter, who 47 unconscious at the foot of the stairs. Realizing that he 48 get help, he rushed 49 the house, stopped a 50 car and told the driver to go to the nearest telephone and call an ambulance.

  ( )31. A. was almost finishing B. was almost being finished

  C. was almost finish D. was almost finished

  ( )32. A. except B. except for C. besides D. except that

  ( )33. A. quite a few B. only few C. quite a few of D. quite few

  ( )34. A. much B. a lot of C. many D. more

  ( )35. A. care B. mind C. realize D. bear

  ( )36. A. to B. with C. of D. for

  ( )37. A. arrived B. got C. got to D. reached to

  ( )38. A spent B. past C. took D. had

  ( )39. A. might be B. must be C. must have been D. couldn‘t have

  ( )40. A. did not answer B. was no answer

  C. was not answer D. was no any answer

  ( )41. A. often B. sometimes C. rarely D. always

  ( )42. A. was worried B. did worried C. worried D. worrying

  ( )43. A. taken out B. taken of C. take up D. taken in

  ( )44. A. fallen ill B. was sick C. ill D. sick

  ( )45. A. unless B. until C. once D. if

  ( )46. A. tried B. managed C. was forced D. liked

  ( )47. A. was lying B. was lain C. was laying D. was laid

  ( )48. A. needed to B. need to C. needs to D. was needed to

  ( )49. A. into B. to C. up D. out of

  ( )50. A. past B. passed C. pass D. passing

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