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时间:2011-09-19 浏览次数:99  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

代词综合练习  1、Did any of my friends call me up just now? _____________.  A.Nothing B.No body C.No one D.None 


  1.We ____ change water into a gas, but we ___ first heat it to its boiling point.

  A. must, can   B. may, needn't   C. can, must   D. need, may

  2.The door stood open and everything was in disorder. The room ____.

  A. must be broken into     B. must have been broken into

  C. must be broken         D. could be broken into

  3._____ repeat the sentences?

  A. Will I   B. Would you like that   C. Shall I   D. Do you want that I

  4.Would you please lend me your mew motorcar?  Yes, I _____.

  A. can   B. may   C. would   D. will

  5.Prof. White, many students want to see you, ____ they wait here or outside?

  A. will   B. shall    C. are   D. do

  6.That must be a mistake. No, it ____ a mistake.

  A. cannot be   B. must not be   C. needn't be   D. would not be

  7.If you don't like to swim, you ___ stay at home.

  A. may well  B. might be well   C. might very well  D. might as well

  8.We didn't see her at the meeting yesterday. She ____ it.

  A. can't have attended  B. needn't have attended  C. mustn't have attended  D. mustn't attended

  9.____ the story be true? I hardly believe it.

  A. May   B. Would   C. Must   D. Should

  10. Need I do it once more?  ________.

  A. Yes, you need  B. Yes, you must   C. No, You mustn't   D. No, you don’t

  11. Speak clearly so that they ____ you.

  A. must understand  B. may understand  C. might understand  D. understand

  12. When are you going to return my novel? Don‘t worry. You ____ have your book soon, I promise.

  A. shall  B. should   C. may   D. must

  13. This pen looks like mine; yet it isn't. Whose ____ it be?

  A. must   B. can   C. would   D. will

  14. Put on more clothes. You ___ be feeling cold with only a shirt on.

  A. can   B. could   C. should   D. must

  15. Tom wants me to play truant this afternoon with him, but I ____ do so.

  A. dared not to  B. didn't dare to  C. not dare  D. dare not

  16. As you are not well now, you ____ take some medicine.

  A. must   B. have to   C. would   D. will

  17. ____ you like to have another cup of tea?  Yes, Please.

  A. Can   B. May   C. Would   D. Must

  18. You ____ go and see the film. You mustn't miss it.

  A. can   B. may   C. will   D. should

  19. I will attempt it, but I ______ fail.

  A. can   B. shall  C. may   D. must

  20. If he said he would come, he ______.

  A. can   B. will   C. could   D. must

  21. Need he go himself? Yes, he _____.

  A. must   B. need   C. has to   D. needs

  22. He ____ rush to the door when his father came home.

  A. could   B. should   C. might   D. would

  23. He _____surprise you and do better than you think.

  A. could   B. should   C. might   D. would

  24. _____ you both happy!

  A. May   B. Would   C. Does   D. Shall

  25. Being scolded by the teacher, the boy stood before him without ___ his head.

  A. daring lift   B. daring to lift   C. daring lifting   D. dare to lift

  26. Franz ____, so he ran quickly towards school.

  A. not dared stop  B. dared not to stop  C. didn't dare to stop  D. dares not to stop

  27. At this moment she ____ with her classmates.

  A. might play  B. may play   C. might be playing  D. dare to play

  28. Jenny ___ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.

  A. must   B. should   C. need   D. would

  29. The doctor said the woman was still in danger and that no one except her husband ____ see her.

  A. might   B. could   C. is allowed to   D. was able to

  30. He ___ the exam, but he wasn't careful enough.

  A. were able to pass B. could have passed C. must have passed D. could be able to pass

  31. I thought you ___ like something to read, so I have brought you some books.

  A. may   B. might   C. could   D. must

  32. I talked about it with my friends Tom and Bill. Neither of them ___ suggest anything.

  A. may   B. might   C. need   D. could

  33. May I smoke here?  ______.

  A. Yes, you must   B. Yes, you do   C. No, you needn't   D. Please don’t

  34. Must we send in our plan this week? No, you ____.

  A. mustn't    B. can't    C. may not to   D. don't have to

  35. You ___ bring my books back until next month.

  A. need to   B. mustn't   C. can't   D. needn't

  36. Hurry up. He ____ for us at the railway station.

  A. must wait  B. must be waiting   C. should wait   D. should be waiting

  37. Take some rest. You ___ tired after a long walk.

  A. must be feeling  B. can be feeling  C. mustn't be   D. cannot be

  38. You ____ all the trouble if you had known he ___ there.

  A. didn't need to take, was not     B. must not have taken, hadn't been

  C. needn't have taken, hadn't been  D. needn't have taken, was not

  39. How ____ climbing the tree?

  A. dared he risked  B. dare he risk  C. dares he to risk  D. dares he risk

  40. I'm not quite myself today. You ___ see a doctor.

  A. should have to  B. had rather   C. had best   D. had better

  41. I had suppose that the man ____ of the two noble men.

  A. must be the elder  B. should be older  C. would be the older   D. will be older

  42. My brother is not engaged tonight, ___ he go to the film with you, Jim?

  A. shall   B. will   C. could   D. ought to

  43. May I watch TV tonight? No, you ____.

  A. shouldn't   B. you'd better not to  C. must   D. may not

  44. Don't believe him. I know he ___ be serious.

  A. needn't   B. may not   C. mustn't    D. can't

  45. ____ it be Xiao Wang who broke the glass?

  A. May   B. Must   C. Can   D. Should

  46. It's wrong of you to refuse his offer. You ___ it.

  A. must accept   B. should have received  C. ought to have accepted  D. should accept

  47. Did he break the window? He ____ have done it.

  A. need   B. can   C. may   D. will not

  48. The machine is useless. It ___ work.

  A. won't   B. shan't    C. needn't   D. doesn't

  49. Peter ____ come with us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.

  A. can   B. must    C. may    D. will

  50. Has Jack's plane landed?  No, but it ___ here in a few minutes.

  A. ought to be   B. have to be   C. may have been   D. should have been

  51. The captain said firmly, “Everything ____ be done to save the ship.”

  A. shall   B. will    C. may   D. can

  52. Shall I tell John about it?  No, you ____ . I've told him already.

  A. needn't   B. wouldn't   C. mustn't   D. shouldn't

  53. Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. _________.

  A. I don't   B. I won't   C. I can't   D. I haven't

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