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时间:2011-09-19 浏览次数:83  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

代词综合练习  1、Did any of my friends call me up just now? _____________.  A.Nothing B.No body C.No one D.None 


  1、Look,there ____ the last bus!

  A.come    B.comes     C.will come    D.is coming

  2、There ____ the bell.Now the class is over.

  A.go   B.goes    C.will go   D.id going

  3、Would you tell me where he ______?

  A.live    B.lives   C.lived   D.was living

  4、My uncle ____ to see you in two days.

  A.come    B.is coming   C.has come    D.shall come

  5、I'll stay here until my aunt ____ to do as I ask.

  A.promises   B.will promise   C.has promised   D.promise

  6、Now that you ____ ,what are you going to do ?

  A.returned   B.return   C.have returned   D.are returning

  7、This is the only party I ____ in my life.

  A.enjoy   B.enjoyed   C.have enjoyed   D.am enjoying

  8、The headmaster said,“The Second World War ____ in1939.”

  A.was broken out  B.was happened   C.was taken place  D.broke out

  9、Whatever you say,I ____ to leave the place.

  A.decide    B.have decided   C.decided   D.was deciding

  10、When ____ you ___ there ?

  A.have,gone   B.have,been   C.did,go   D.had,gone

  11、After 1993 she ________.

  A.got married   B.had got married   C.has got married  D.married

  12、He will come to call on you the moment he ____ his work.

  A.will finish   B.finishes   C.had finished   D.finished

  13、I'll teach Tom how to swim while he ____ here next month.

  A.is   B.would be   C.is going to be  D.will be

  14、I ____ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.

  A.gave   B.was given   C.was giving   D.had given

  15、“You've come just in time to help us.” “Fine,What needs ____ ?”

  A.I do   B.done  C.to be done   D.to do

  16、I was astonished to hear that the color TV set _____ 50000 yuan.

  A.has cost   B.cost    C.costed   D.was cost

  17、Let's get in the wheat before the sun _____.

  A.will set   B.is set    C.set    D.sets

  18、When she got home her sister _____ to hospital.

  A.has been sent   B.had been sent   C.sent   D.would send

  19、I still don't know what ____ while I was away from home.

  A.had happened   B.was happened   C.happened   D.has happened

  20、She ____ at the Second Middle School of Ji'an since ____ from university.

  A.has taught,has graduated      B.taught,graduated

  C.had taught,graduated         D.has been teaching,graduated

  21.I haven't seen him since I _____ back.

  A.am   B.have come   C.came    D.come

  22、They ______________.

  A.have married for ten years     B.married for ten years

  C.have married ten years ago     D.have married

  23、I ____ to see my grandfather ______.

  A.haven't gone,for eight months     B.have gone,for eight months

  C.went,for eight months            D.have gone,eight months ago

  24、I'll ring you up _______.

  A.next morning   B.tomorrow night    C.next evening   D.next night

  25、We _____ to catch the 7:30 train,but we missed it.

  A.want    B.wanted   C.had wanted  D.have wanted

  26、Will he get here on time? It's likely that she _________.

  A.will do it   B.will   C.does   D.gets here

  27、Don't make any decision before you ____ it over.

  A.are going to think  B.have thought  C.will think   D.thought

  28、I ____ tell you my story if it ____ you.

  A.will tell,will interest        B.will tell,interest

  C.tell,interests               D.tell,interest

  29、I would have come earlier,but I ____ that you were waiting.

  A.didn't know  B.hadn't known    C.knew   D.haven't known

  30、The goods ____ when he got to the railway station.

  A.are just unloading       B.are just being unloaded

  C、had just unloaded       D.were just being unloaded

  31、I said that it was at least ten years since I ____ a good drink.

  A.had enjoyed  B.was enjoying  C.enjoyed   D.had been enjoying

  32、____ this lovely box that Jack ____ out of an old one?

  A.Do you see,made        B.Did you see,had made

  C.Have you seen,has made  D.Have you seen,made

  33、This machine _____ without repair.

  A.is not to be used  B.is not to use  C.can't use  D.ought not to use

  34、Tom said to his teacher,“If you ____ to our party,we'll be overjoyed.” His teachers said,“ I'd like to.If I ____ free,I'll come.”

  A.will come.Will be  B.came,am  C.will come,am   D.come,will be

  35、His dream of twenty years ____ had saved his life.

  A.ago   B.before   C.later   D.after

  36、When you ____ the desks,please tell me.

  A.will finish to move      B.finish to move

  C.will finish moving      D.have finished moving

  37、James has just arrived,but I didn't know he ____ until yesterday.

  A.will come   B.was coming   C.had been coming    D.comes

  38、I _____ my composition by the time the teacher ____ back.

  A.Shall have finished,comes      B.was finished,came

  C.had finished,comes           D.have finished,will come

  39、As I ____ an exam the next day,I went to bed early that evening.

  A.will have   B.was having   C.was to be   D.had

  40、I have lost my purse.I ____ it since seven o'clock.

  A.am looking for  B.looked for   C.have been looking for  D.have looked for

  41、What ____ you _____ tomorrow?

  A.do,do   B.shall,do   C.are,do   D.are doing

  42、Once you ____ that brand of beer,you will never want to drink any other.

  A.drunk   B.drank   C.drink   D.have drunk

  43、I ____ her many times during the past weeks.

  A.saw   B.have been    C.see    D.had seen

  44、The children ____ many times not to go near the fire.

  A.have told   B.have been told   C.were being told   D.told

  45、The irrigation project _____ by the end of next month.

  A.will have completed B.will be completing C.will have been completed D.will complete

  46、____ Peter had won the first place in the 100-meter-dash.

  A.He was said that  B.They were said that  C.It said  D.It was said that

  47、Such practice must ________.

  A.put an end   B.be put an end  C.put an end to   D.be put an end to

  48、Now the living standard of the people _____.

  A.has raised   B.has been raised   C.has been risen   D.rose

  49、The wild animals are ____ everywhere in the forests.

  A.being hunted   B.being hunt   C.been hunted   D.hunting

  50、I should very much like to have gone to the ball but I _______.

  A.am not invited   B.shall not be invited   C.am not being invited  D.wasn‘t invited

  51、Your arm is bleeding! Yes,I ____ it with a knife.

  A.hurt   B.was hurting   C.have just hurt   D.had hurt

  52、They can't leave until they ____ their work.

  A.did   B.are doing    C.have done    D.had done

  53、The last time ____ to the library was last week.

  A.I've gone   B.I've been   C.I went   D.I was

  54、Don't disturb me.I _____ letters all morning and have written five.

  A.write   B.have written   C.was writing    D.have been writing

  55、I wonder how long ago this school _____________.

  A.has begun   B.begins   C.began   D.had begun

  56、There are so many people in front of the tailor's.What do you think _____?

  A.happened    B.has happened    C.would happen   D.had happened

  57、I _____ that he had gone abroad.

  A.tell   B.told   C.was told   D.am told

  58、Bamboo ____ into many things,such as chairs,tables,curtains and so on.

  A.is used to making       B.is used to make

  C.used to making         D.used to make

  59、The boy ____ in the street until a man came to pick him up.

  A.was crying   B.has been crying   C.had been crying    D.cried

  60、It ____ for days.The fields were under water.

  A.was raining  B.has been raining   C.had been raining  D.rained

  61、I didn't expect that all of you ____ here.

  A.would be waiting  B.would have waited  C.have been waiting  D.had been waited

  62、He has more than ____ her kindness.

  A.repaid   B.repay   C.to repay   D.repaying

  63、He ___ just now.He ___ now.He often takes lies.

  A.lay,is lying  B.lied,is lieing  C.lay,lies   D.lied,is lying

  64、His eyes ____ wide and his right hand _____.

  A.opened,raised  B.were opened,was raised  C.opened,rose  D.were open,was raised

  65、The farmers _______________ the bone.

  A.taxed to  B.were taxed to  C.were taxxed to   D.were taxed from

  66、She was ____ to the heart by the death of her child.

  A.struck   B.stricken    C.strike   D.stroke

  67、His speech ___ the audience.

  A.was affected   B.affected    C.was effected   D.effected

  68、He ____ to ____ a new experiment at that time.

  A.was said,be doing         B.said,do

  C.was told,have done       D.told,be doing

  69、My sister ___ to Hong Kong seven times when she was an assistant.

  A.flew   B.used to fly   C.would fly    D.was used to flying

  70、All of us ___ the wonderful opening ceremony of the 25th Olympic Games Barcelona'92.

  A.were stricken by  B.were struck by   C.were striking with  D.struck with

  71、It's known ___ all that his element ______ radium.

  A.by,was known by  B.as,has known to  C.for,has been known as  D.to,is known as

  72、When I was at college I ___ three foreign languages,but I ___ all except a few words of each.

  A.spoke,had forgotten            B.spoke,have forgotten

  C.had spoken,had forgotten       D.had spoken,have forgotten

  73、The police found that the house ___ and a lot of things _____.

  A.has broken into,has been stole     B.had broken into,had been stolen

  C.has been stolen into,stolen       D.had been broken into,stolen

  74、Come on,Peter.I want to show you something.

  Oh,How nice of you! I ___ you ___ to bring me a gift.

  A.never think,are going     B.never thought,were going

  C.think,were going         D.hadn't thought,were going

  75、He ___ what he ____.

  A.means,had aid  B.means,would say  C.meant,had said  D.meant,was said

  76、I ____ you ___ so early.

  A.didn't expect,have come      B.don't expect.Had come

  C.didn't expect,would come     D.don't expect,have come

  77、She told the speaker that he ____ to speak a little louder so as to make himself heard.

  A.expect   B.had expected   C.has been expected   D.was expected

  78、He said great changes ___ place and great progress ____ in his home town.

  A.had taken,had made       B.had been taken,had been made

  C.had taken,had been made   D.had been taken,had made

  79、On Saturday afternoon,Mrs Green went to the market,____ some bananas and visited her cousin.

  A.bought   B.buying   C.to buy    D.buy

  80、It was a winter night and it ____ .A little girl ___ along the street,____ flowers.Suddenly she heard somebody calling her.

  A.was snowing,walked,sold       B.was snowing,walked,selling

  C.was snowing,was walking,selling D.snowed,walked,selling

  81、The cost of living ___ over 8 percent in the last ten years.

  A.has raised   B.rose   C.has been raised   D.had risen

  82、____ many times,but he still couldn't understand it.

  A.Having told   B.having been told   C.He was told   D.Being told

  83、Why didn't you answer the phone last night?  I ___ when you called.

  A.had to have slept B.have to be sleeping C.must have been sleeping D.must have slept

  84、Where ____ when I was in Nanchang?

  A.have you been  B.had you been   C.are you   D.will be

  85、My piano is good.____ since I was 18.

  A.I got it   B.I've bought it   C.I have it   D.I've had it

  86、However much ______ it will be worth it.

  A.does the watch cost B.costs the watch  C.the watch will cost  D.the watch costs

  87、On her next birthday she ___ married for thirty years.

  A.will be   B.will have been    C.has been   D.is

  88、He had thought the plane ____ by time he arrived.

  A.was leaving  B.would be leaving   C.would have left   D.left

  89、As they ___ older they still knew each other well.

  A.grew   B.grow   C.have grown   D.would grow

  90、He ___ to be clever.

  A.was thought as   B.was thought   C.was thinking   D.was that they thought

  91、Up to then this _____ clear.

  A.hasn't been made  B.hasn't made  C.hadn't been made   D.hadn't made

  92、She ought to _____ it finish before 10 o'clock.

  A.ask   B be asked   C.being asking   D.have asked

  93、Who ___ such books _____ for ?

  A.did,write  B.will,write   C.were,written   D.was,written

  94、She ____ to with great interest.

  A.was listened   B.listened   C.is listening   D.listens

  95、The room had better ___,too.

  A.clean   B.be cleaning   C.to be cleaned   D.be cleaned

  96、These buildings ____ up this time last year.

  A.were put  B.put   C.have been put   D.were being put

  97、Everything that can ____ must ____.

  A.do,do  B.do,be done   C.be done,do   D.be done,be done

  98、The village ___ in a valley.

  A.situates   B.situated   C.is situated   D.situate

  99、It ____ right to help them with lessons.

  A.was considered   B.considered   C.is considering   D.considers

  100、This pen ____ well.

  A.writes   B.is written   C.was written   D.has been written

  101、The door ____ easily.

  A.is opened   B.is open   C.opens   D.was opened

  102、All he ____ up to 95 yuan.

  A.had added   B.has adds    C.added    D.adds

  103、That girl ___ in white today.

  A.dresses   B.dressed   C.is dressed    D.was dressing

  104、The book ___ to me by the master.

  A.is given   B.gave   C.was given   D.was being given

  105、Do you still play basketball?  Oh,no,I ____ it for the past two years.

  A.haven't played   B.have played   C.didn't play   D.played

  106、My family and I ___ our Christmas eve dinner when the news of the outbreak of the war ____ over the radio.

  A.enjoyed,came             B.were enjoying,was coming

  C.enjoyed,was coming       D.were enjoyed,came

  107、By the time the new person ___ enough courage to raise his hand,the bell ___ for the end of the lesson.

  A.had gathered,was already ringing    B.gathered,already rang

  C.was gathering,had already ringing   D.would gather,would already have rung

  108、Where ___ the recorder? I can't see it anywhere.

  I ___ it right here.But now it‘s gone.

  A.did you put,have put      B.have you put,put

  C.had you put,was putting   D.were you putting,have put

  109、That dinner was the most expensive meal we ____.

  A.would have   B.have had   C.had never had   D.had ever had

  110、When ____ again?

  I don't know when he ___ again.When he ___,I'll let you know.

  A.doesn't he come,will come,comes   B.will he come,comes,comes

  C.will he comes,will come,will come  D.will he come,will come,comes

  111、I spent two weeks in Paris last year.____ there before?

  A.Do you go  B.Had you gone  C.Have you gone  D.Have you been

  112、James is out.I wonder how long ago _________.

  A.did you have  B.he has left  C.he leaves  D.he left

  113、What were you doing when Anna phoned you?

  I ___ supper and was going out to take a walk.

  A.was having   B.had just had   C.have just had   D.am having

  114、So far this month we ___ ten lessons in the grammar book.

  A.are covering   B.have covered   C.cover   D.covered

  115、I _____ him half a year ago,but I ___ him since.

  A.see,haven't seen  B.saw,didn't see   C.saw,haven't seen  D.saw,hadn't seen

  116、Yesterday evening I ___ to see the film because I ____ twice.

  A.didn't go,have seen      B.don't go,have seen

  C.haven't gone,have seen  D.didn't go,had seen

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