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时间:2011-09-19 浏览次数:99  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

代词综合练习  1、Did any of my friends call me up just now? _____________.  A.Nothing B.No body C.No one D.None 


  1.There was plenty of time.She _________.

  A.mustn't have hurried     B.needn't have hurried

  C.must not hurry          D.can't have hurried

  2.He ____ you more help, even though he was very busy.

  A.might have given  B.might give  C.may have given  D.may give

  3.Where is my tie? I ______ it.

  A.might lost  B.would have lost  C.should have lost   D.must have lost

  4.If he ____ the train at that time, he _____ here now.

  A.had caught, would have been     B.had caught, would be

  C.caught, would have been        D.caught, would be

  5.All I request of you ____ that you ___ there on time.

  A.be, are  B.is, be   C.is, to be   D.is, were

  6.His accent suggests that he ____ from Shanghai.

  A.should be   B.be    C.is   D.being

  7.I do wish I ____ an astronaut some day.

  A.am   B.were   C.will be   D.would be

  8.He insisted that the novel ____ badly written.

  A.should be   B.be   C.was   D.were

  9.Shall I close the door?  I'd rather you ______.

  A.won't   B.don't   C.hadn't   D.didn't

  10.The teacher demanded that the exam _____ before eleven.

  A.must finish  B.would be finished   C.be finished  D.must be finished

  11.I _____ to see more of Beijing, but I couldn't stay there much longer.

  A.had hoped   B.have hoped   C.hoped   D.hope

  12.Her expression suggested that she ______ angry then.

  A.should be   B.be   C.were   D.was

  13.I didn't hear the phone.I ____ asleep.

  A.must be   B.must have been   C.should be   D.should have been

  14.If he ____ the doctor's advice, he ____ quite all right now.

  A.followed, would be              B.had followed, would be

  C.would follow, has been           D.would follow, would be

  15.“Where is your grandfather?” “He ____ flowers in the garden.”

  A.waters   B.must water   C.must be watering   D.must have watered

  16.It is important that she ____ sports every day.

  A.have    B.has   C.must have   D.would have

  17._____ for the PLA man, I couldn't live today.

  A.If it weren't    B.Had not it been   C.If it hadn't been  D.If it shouldn't been

  18.I wish I ____ what ______.

  A.know, has happened        B.knew, has happened

  C.knew, had happened        D.know, will happen

  19.“Have you ever been to New York?” “No, but I wish I ______.”

  A.had   B.have   C.will    D.do

  20.He wished he ____ able to finish the job in time.

  A.had been   B.was   C.has been   D.will be

  21.He _____ to me, for I was not there then.

  A.shouldn't have written    B.should write  C.wouldn't write   D.may not write

  22.He is not a doctor, but he ____ he were.

  Hopes    B.wants    C.believes   D.wishes

  23.“The blackboard is clean, and the desks and chairs are in good order.The classroom ______.” The monitor said to himself.

  A.must be cleaned  B.could be cleaned  C.must have been cleaned  D.might be cleaned

  24.It is time that we ____ for the finals.

  A.prepare   B.prepared   C.have prepared   D.will prepare

  25.If only you ____ reason!

  A.will listen to  B.had listened to   C.have listened to   D.listen to

  26.____ today, he would get there Friday.

  A.Was he leaving  B.If he leaves  C.Were he to leave  D.If he is leaving

  27.My watch is slow.If it ___ good time, I ____ on time and catch the 8 o'clock train.

  A.keeps, will come   B.kept, would have been  C.kept, would come   D.kept, came

  28.It was ordered that no smoking ____ in the library.

  A.is allowed   B.was allowed   C.be allowed    D.both B and C

  29.Bob's father insisted _____ in his hotel.

  A.not to say  B.that he not stay   C.not saying   D.that he not to say

  30.He wished he ____ so careless.His exam results could have been much more satisfactory.

  A.weren't   B.hadn't been   C.wouldn't be   D.has not been

  31.How I wish I ____ you the truth!

  A.haven't told   B.doesn't tell  C.hadn't told   D.wouldn't tell

  32.Look, what you've done! You ___ more careful.

  A.may be    B.should have been   C.have to be   D.must have been

  33.We are for the suggestion that a new lab ____ built near the lake.

  A.would be   B.will be   C.should be   D.is

  34.The officer's order was that all the soldiers ____ to the station before daybreak.

  A.got   B.should get    C.get   D.both B and C

  35.Is it necessary that John ____ the books to the library today?

  A.return   B.returns   C.will return   D.is going to return

  36.He insisted what he said ____ right.

  A.was   B.would   C.should prove to be  D.all

  37.The governor has given advice that the representative ___ in  week.

  A.are leaving   B.are left   C.leave   D.will leave

  38.The audience request that the singer ____ the song again.

  A.sings   B.will sing   C.sing   D.would sing

  39.He behaves as if he _____ the best speaker in town.

  A.is    B.will be   C.were   D.has been

  40.You ____ her like that.She is after all a child.

  A.mustn't have treated   B.shouldn't have treated  C.oughtn't treat   D.might not treat

  41.He speaks as if he _____ about it.

  A.knows   B.have known   C.is knowing   D.was knowing

  42.She talks about the film as though she ____ it before.

  A.had seen  B.sees  C.was seeing   D.would see

  43._____, but we didn't

  A.We had cut away the jungle brush         B.The jungle brush cutting away

  C.We should have cut the jungle brush away  D.The jungle brush was cut away by us

  44.You _____ in your exercise books yesterday.Why _____ you?

  A.should have handed, don't      B.should have handed, didn’t

  C.must have handed, didn't       D.would have handed, didn’t

  45.All agreed to his suggestion ____ a bridge ___ across the river.

  A.as, would build   B.which, should built  C.that, be built   D.so that, built

  46.We wish that we ____ that.

  A.had not told him   B.did not tell him  C.don't tell him  D.haven't told him

  47.I ____ you, but my cold prevented me from doing so.

  A.was to have joined   B.was to join  C.had joined   D.had hoped to join

  48.“What do you think of the food here?” “Oh, wonderful! We ___ a better place.”

  A.won't find  B.must have found   C.can't find   D.couldn't have found

  49.If I ___ yesterday, I ____ the article.

  A.wasn't call on, would have finished         B.didn't call on, would have finished

  C.hadn't been called on, would have finished   D.hadn't called on, had finished

  50.I ______ worry too much if I ____ you.

  A.oughtn't, was    B.mustn't were   C.needn't, were   D.wouldn't, were

  51.____ it not for you, I would walk there.

  A.If   B.Had     C.Would   D.Were

  52.I'd rather you _____ anything about it.

  A.do   B.didn't do   C.don't    D.didn't

  53.I ___ go there if he goes with me.

  A.would rather not   B.would rather not to   C.would not rather  D.would not rather to

  54.But for the heat of the sun, nothing _________.

  A.can live   B.will live   C.could live   D.has lived

  55.But for their guidance, we __________________.

  A.shouldn't succeed  B.couldn't have succeed  C.will not succeed  D.shall not succeed

  56.If the sun _____ tomorrow, what would we do?

  A.will not rise   B.wouldn't rise   C.didn't rise   D.doesn't rise

  57.What should we do if the plane _____ late?

  A.be    B.should be   C.were about to be   D.would be

  58.Jack.You are so lazy! This job ___ hours ago.

  A.should finish B.must have finished C.ought to have been finished  D.was about to finish

  59.His watch _______.I will go and call him.

  A.must stop   B.might stop    C.must have stopped   D.might have stopped

  60.I ____ study English than Russian.

  A.had better   B.would like to   C.should like to    D.would rather

  61.If you had taken your medicine yesterday, you _______ well now.

  A.should be   B.would have been   C.would be   D.will be

  62.____ what ____, I would never have left her alone.

  A.If I knew, has happened           B.If I have known, was going to happen

  C.Have I known, is going to happen   D.Had I known, was going to happen

  63.The worker demanded that their working conditions ______.

  A.be improved   B.would be improved  C.should be improved   D.both A and C

  64.It was ordered that the construction _______ ahead of time.

  A.is completed   B.was completed   C.be completed   D.must complete

  65.It was strange that he ____ the following week.

  A.left   B.leaves   C.leave   D.would leave

  66.____ there be a flood, what should he done?

  A.Should   B.Had   C.Were   D.Would

  67.How nice it ____ if you could stay a bit longer!

  A.would be   B.would have been   C.was   D.were

  68.He would have done the work better if he _____ more help.

  A.had given   B.got   C.had been given   D.could be given

  69.“Did you go to see the football match yesterday?” “No, I ___ well, but I would have gone if I _______."

  A.didn't feel, did  B.didn't feel, had   C.hadn't felt, did   D.hadn't felt, had

  70.I'll tell Mary about her new job,“ ”You ____ her the other day.“

  A.ought to tell  B.must have told   C.would have told   D.should have told

  71.The plant is dead.I ____ it more water.

  A.will give   B.would have given  C.must give   D.should have given

  72.I left early last night, but I wish I ____ so early.

  A.didn't leave   B.hadn't left   C.haven't left   D.couldn't leave

  73.Do you like Beijing ? Yes, very much.I wish I ____ have to leave so soon.

  A.didn't    B.don't    C.won't   D.needn't

  74.Why didn't Jack give you one of his novels?

  I didn't want one, but he would have given me one if I _____.

  A.did   B.wanted   C.had   D.had wanted

  75.____ you fail in the test, you ___ try again.

  A.Could, can  B.Would, would  C.Should, should   D.If, had better to

  76.How I wish I ___ your advice when you first wanted me.

  A.would take   B.had taken  C.took   D.would have taken

  77.You ___ the train now if you ____ up earlier.

  A.wouldn't have missed, had got     B.wouldn't miss, had got

  C.wouldn't have missed, went       D.wouldn't miss, would have got

  78.If you ____ him some money, he ____ you double amount next year.

  A.had lent, would have returned      B.lend, would have returned

  C.had lent, would return            D.lend, would return

  79.What he said suggested that he ____ the news.

  A.know   B.should know   C.had known   D.Both A and B

  80.With all the work finished, I ____ to the film last night.

  A.should have gone  B.ought to go  C.need to go   D.must go

  81.without air or water, there ___ no life.

  A.would be   B.will be   C.would have had   D.would have been

  82.You've got a cold now.You ____ so many clothes.

  A.should have taken off   B.shouldn't have taken off

  C.would have taken off   D.can't have taken off

  83.He ____ to take part in your birthday last night, but something prevented him doing so.

  A.hoped   B.was to have hoped   C.had hoped   D.both B and C

  84.Put a stick partly into a glass of water, it looks as if it ____ broken.

  A.will be   B.were   C.is   D.would be

  85.Sorry, I ____ you about it earlier.

  A.must tell   B.should tell   C.ought have told   D.should have told

  86.You look tired.You ___ to bed too late.

  A.should have gone   B.wouldn't go   C.shouldn't have gone  D.must go

  87.___ there no gravity, there would be no human beings on the earth.

  A.If   B.If was   C.Were   D.Had

  88.I'm sure she would have enjoyed the play if _____ it.

  A.she's seen  B.she'll see   C.she'd see   She'd seen

  89.He ordered the work ____ started at once.

  A.be    B.was   C.would be   D.were

  90.The Emperor insisted that the men ____ clever weavers, which suggested that he really ___ stupid.

  A.were, was   B.were, be   C.should be, was   D.be, be

  91.We ourselves would rather ___ on the 8th, but we ___ till the 12th.

  A.have left, didn't leave     B.leave, didn't leave

  C.to leave, hadn't left       D.leave, haven't left

  92.Did the plane arrive on time? No, it ought to ____ two hours ago.

  A.arrive   B.be arriving   C.have arrived   D.be arrived

  93.I ____ to have a talk with you, but I failed to meet you there.

  A.mean   b.meant   C.have meant   D.had meant

  94.They suggested the doctor ____ to ______ at once.

  A.refer, send for  B.should refer, send for C.referring, be sent for  D.referred, be sent for

  95.Something ____ or he would have been here.

  A.must happen   B.happened   C.could happen   D.must have happened

  96.He _____ the problem ___ he tried his best.

  A.would have not worked out, though     B.would work out, had

  C.would have worked our, had          D.would have worked out, if

  97.The teacher insisted that we ____ great success in our construction and ____ it.

  A.should achieve, should be proud of    B.had achieved, should take pride of

  C.had achieved, had taken pride in      D.had achieved, should take pride in

  98.You missed a good chance.Yes, I ___ that job when it ____.

  A.should have taken, was offered   B.should take, offered

  C.hadn't taken, was offered        D.might have taken, was offering

  99.Why don't you explain it to her?  I ___ it to her if I thought she would understand.

  A.would explain   B.will explain   C.explain   D.would have explained

  100.You have made some mistakes.I wish I ___ mistakes every day.

  A.don't make  B.haven't made  C.didn't make   D.wouldn't have made


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