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时间:2011-09-19 浏览次数:85  【华夏培训网:中国教育培训第一门户

(考试时间120分钟)  一、语音知识(共5小题;每题1.5分,共7.5分。)  在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划

( )21. _______ by the air, the kite went up into the sky.

  A. Pushing B. Pushed C. Having been pushed D. Having pushed

  ( )22.—The round bowl over there is a bit small, isn‘t it?

  — _______.

  A. So are the fish B. So the fish are

  C. Neither the fish D. Neither are the fish

  ( )23. She couldn‘t take shorthand, _______ slowed down the work of the office.

  A. that B. which C. it D. so

  ( )24. Was it last Friday ________ you met him?

  A. that B. on which C. which D. when

  ( )25. _______ might fail in the exam worried him.

  A. He B. That he C. What D. It

  ( )26.—I‘v got this really painful ear.

  —How long _______ you?

  A. does it bother B. was it bothering

  C. would it bother D. has it been bothering

  ( )27.—I started to study, but then a friend called.

  —That‘s no excuse ________.

  A. for not studying B. not for studying C. not studying D. not to studying

  ( )28.—Why was he so hot when he got home?

  —He ________.

  A. was running B. is running C. has been running D. had been running

  ( )29.—There‘s been an earthquake.

  —I know. At least a hundred people ________.

  A. were to be killed B. are said to have been killed

  C. said to have been killed D. are said to kill

  ( )30. You may invite _______ wants to go.

  A. whomever B. whoever C. which one D. people



  Mr. Jones woke early one morning, before the sun had risen. It was a beautiful morning, _31_ he went to the window and looked out. He was _32_ to see a neatly-dressed and mid-aged professor, who _33_ in the university just up the road from Mr. Jones‘ house, coming the direction of the town. He had grey hair thick glasses, and was _34 an umbrella, a morning newspaper and a bag. Mr. Jones thought that he must have _35_ by the night train _36_ taking a taxi.

  Mr. Jones had a big tree in his garden, and the children had tied a long _37_ to one of the branches, so that they could swing on it.

  Mr. Jones saw the professor _38_ when he saw the rope and looked carefully up and down the road. When he saw that there was _39_ in sight, he stepped into the garden (there was no fence), put his umbrella, newspaper, bag and hat nearly on the grass and _40_ the rope. He pulled it _41_ to see whether it was strong enough to take his weight, then ran as fast as he could and swung into the _42_ on the end of the rope, his grey hair blowing all around _43_. _44_ he swung, sometimes taking a few more _45_ steps on the grass when the rope began to swing _46_ slowly for him.

  _47_ the professor stopped, straightened his tie, combed his hair carefully, put on his hat, _48_ his umbrella, newspaper and bag, and continued _49_ his way to the university, looking as _50_ and correct and respectable as one would expect a professor to be.

  ( )31.A. because B. as C. so D. for

  ( )32.A. surprised B. glad C. worried D. excited

  ( )33.A. studied B. worked C. stayed D. lived

  ( )34.A. passing B. doing C. carrying D. sending

  ( )35.A. left B. gone C. taken D. arrived

  ( )36.A. because of B. instead of C. by D. with

  ( )37.A. rope B. line C. stick D. ruler

  ( )38.A. run B. walk C. jump D. stop

  ( )39.A. nothing B. nobody C. no room D. no house

  ( )40.A. carried B. grasped C. took D. threw

  ( )41.A. hard B. high C. heavily D. greatly

  ( )42.A. garden B. tree C. land D. air

  ( )43.A. hands B. his shoulders C. his face D. his neck

  ( )44.A. Backwards and forwards B. Up and down

  C. Left and right D. Around and around

  ( )45.A. running B. stopping C. rising D. falling

  ( )46.A. enough B. more C. too D. less

  ( )47.A. At first B. At last C. At once D. At least

  ( )48.A. set up B. gave up C. send up D. picked up

  ( )49.A. on B. for C. by D. with

  ( )50.A. clean B. slow C. funny D. quiet

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